With a working current of 50mA, this GPS Isolator can work continuously for over 45 days after the car is switched off, which solves the power supply problem of many other GPS isolators.
Jamming frequency: GPS L1(1500MHz-1600MHz), CAN NOT Isolate GSM/GPRS signal
Working voltage: 9~24V
Working current: 50mA
Interface type: standard OBD interface
Service life: above 2 years
Working continuously 24 hours a day!
100% Isolates GPS signal!
Simple “plug and play”, compatible with all OBD interfaces or vehicles.
Application area: mortgage car, second-hand car, preventing positioning & tracking, anti-speeding, taxi, bus, van, engineering vehicle, private car, cement tanker…
Note: most OBD interfaces are designed underneath the steering wheel.
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